Jayden is back! The happy
Jayden, with the silly personality. He was crazy one day and I was on the verge of losing it and then he slept all night and all day, woke up only to eat and then slept some more. He slept all night again and then woke up as
Jayden. I think he was "manic".
That's what the Doctor called it and as much as I
don't like that Dr, that can only explain what was going on. He even behaved well at the party we had at my parents with all the family. He rarely behaves when all the kids are together. I am so grateful for the change I was beginning to panic and I was crying daily, sometimes for hours! I have decided I obviously need antidepressants. Whether it is just me or a product of my life, I
don't know but a little Prozac cant hurt. I have taken something for 13 years but I
didn't feel like I was on the right med. I weaned off of it, with the Dr's order. It was bad, very bad!
Don't ever let anyone prescribe you
Effexor, EVER! I still have withdrawals when I'm tired at night. Brain zaps anyway. Its been months. I
didn't like that doctor either and he wanted to put me on another bad med. Hence the no antidepressant right now. I do as I want, not as
I'm told! OK, OK only when its not to serious!
This life is frustrating. I don't like meds. I don't want my child on meds but what can I do? He obviously needs them. His Dad begs to differ. He thinks its just opening up the door for addicion later life. Well I am sure that having your kid be behind in school, struggling with homework for hours every night, not to mention being made fun of for odd, crazy behavior is also setting your kid up to use later in life too. Jayden will struggle enough, hes already made fun of in our own yard by the damn immature neighbor kids. He will probably always be in special classes. Think of how much harder his life would be with no meds to control his ADHD and his mood issues. He'd probably be kicked out of school and I would have to home school him. Jayden has half siblings(I don't like considering them that) with problems too. If your not going to medicate your child then find other ways to help them. Diets, fish oil. There are plenty of choices out there. Don't make your child suffer. They may turn to drugs in an effort to help themselves early on. You cant make some people listen. I cant wait to say, "I told you so"!
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